Where To Put The Litterbox? RVing With Cats Ultimate Guide

Experience the joy of RV living with your feline friends without the stress of finding a spot for their litter box! Discover the ultimate solution for accommodating your cat's needs while on the road, along with a treasure trove of travel tips to ensure their happiness and safety. Don't miss out on this best-kept RV secret - your furry companion deserves the best!

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Test Drives & Travel Carriers

Our first piece of advice is to do a few test drives with your fur babies! Now, if this doesn’t go smoothly, don’t fret! A test drive is just a way to acclimate them and discover some needs that your cat may need for travel days. For our cat, Dexter, we utilize a crate for riding in the truck. We try to make it a familiar environment by putting some of his favorite toys or blankets in the travel carrier with him. Our friends allow their cat to roam around the vehicle— this depends on your cat’s personality. Difference to safety when it comes to traveling with pets in the vehicle! We prefer the kennel, so that we know exactly where he is in case there’s an emergency- we did opt for the larger crate so that he can stretch out if needed!

Fuzzy kitten with red harness on in the grass. The cat is sitting on the door of a mesh cat carrier.

We all know cats can be sneaky, flexible, and love to play hide & seek. When you pull your RV slides in, make sure the cat is located and loaded in the tow vehicle if applicable- remember, cats hide and fit in very tight spaces.

The last thing you want to do is have to chase them down or have to put the slides back out to reach them! Another thing of note, is we have heard of cats being able to fit in crevices around the RV. Sometimes this requires you to block off certain areas. You will come to know your feline’s favorite hiding spots over time!

Feline Food Storage

There are tons of storage options when it comes to your cat’s food, litter, and other necessities. We prefer storage containers that have a lock feature, in case they tip over during travel days. This is a great way to keep ants out and to keep your cat’s food fresh! This blog on Travels with Ted has some fun and creative mods around creating spaces for your fur baby- check it out here!

OK, But What About the Litterbox?

Let’s get down to the real question: the litterbox?! (Insert dramatic music here) Some folks choose to carry the litterbox with them on a travel day, however, we choose to take a break in between based on Dexter and our drive schedule and allow him to roam the RV. This gives him a chance to eat and use the litterbox, and it gives us a chance to stretch! That’s a win-win in our book!

As far as where to store the litterbox day-to-day, we took out a door in our bathroom and inserted a drape by the bathroom sink. This article has fantastic ideas on where to store the litterbox because each RV and setup is different, Wherever you decide to place the box, take your cat to its location and they will pick up on it rather quickly!

#THANKSHANKS tip: Keep a broom or cordless vacuum nearby to clean up litter spills! You know how it is!


One question we always get is whether we keep our cat, Dexter, in the trailer when we drive. We don’t have personal experience with this, but we can imagine there would be a lot of tossing in a fifth wheel or travel trailer. We choose to always have him in the tow vehicle with us! Obviously, it will be different circumstances if you have a Class A or do the Van life vibe.

Talk with Your Vet

Cats sometimes get sick when traveling. This is where the test trips come in handy because you will get a general idea of how your pet will tolerate travel. Again, we recommend the mini trips to acclimate and avoid car sickness as well as gather information about how you and your cat prefer to travel.

Another tip: Try to stick to a feeding schedule and feel free to adjust for digestion. If you think your feline’s illness is anxiety-related, ask your veterinarian for what may help; either naturally or by prescription.

This goes without saying to discuss everything with your vet before you take off! Some RV parks do require vaccination documents so this is good to have on hand and to stay current with. Cats like to hide and sneak out the door you thought you closed, ask us how we know, so consider microchipping if your cat is an adventurer!

What If It Gets Hot in the RV While Away?

Lastly, what happens if you leave your fur baby at home for errands, or to go explore for the day, but you forget to set your A/C unit and the heat is rising? We know this struggle all too well! You either drive back and have to set it, or you make an investment, and that’s exactly what the Hanks opted for. Peace of mind is invaluable when it comes to our beloved pets!

An easy way to remedy this potential issue, or to monitor your RV temperature (like when the campground electricity goes out) is to purchase a smart temperature system. We have personal experience with Waggle— a subscription-based system that has its own data line, so if internet is an issue, this is a fantastic option. A more recent upgrade we have done is installing Micro Air. This is different because it doesn’t require a paid subscription plan. If you already have an internet set up (ie Starlink), this is a great option since it is a one-time fee, connects to your existing internet, and allows you to set the temperature from your phone.

RV living with cats is possible and rewarding with the right preparation and mindset. It is important to talk to your vet about your pet's specific needs and to find a suitable litterbox location as well as a practical storage solution for cat food and litter. With some adjustments and planning, your feline friends can join you on your adventures and make the journey even more memorable. So pack up your RV, grab your cats, and hit the road for a purr-fectly delightful experience!


Watch to see Dexter’s RV travel in action!


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